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Code of Conduct

For Extracurricular Activities at Scribner 

Participation in extracurricular activities at Scribner is a privilege. Participants in extracurricular activities are required to demonstrate the same character traits expected during the school day. By participating in an extracurricular activity, students agree to follow (and their parents agree to support) this code of conduct:


BE PURPOSEFUL. Only sign up for activities that truly interest you. Participate fully and appropriately in the activity. Follow directions.


BE RESPECTFUL. Listen to the adults in charge and special guests. Don’t speak when others are talking.  Raise your hand if you have something to say. Wait your turn. Give other students an equal chance to participate. No name-calling or put-downs.  Keep your hands to yourself.


BE RESPONSIBLE. Only use materials and equipment provided by the adults in charge. Clean up after yourself. Don’t remove items from desks or shelves.


BE SAFETY-CONSCIOUS. Use materials and equipment in the way directed by the adult in charge. Don’t stand on chairs or furniture. Walk in rooms and hallways.  Stay with your group.


Students who do not follow these rules may face any or all of these consequences:


*sitting out of an activity or session

*parents notified

*parents required to attend activity with child

*removal from extracurricular activity

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